Intra prices

On this page, you will find links to country pages that have Intra prices in local currency. For final price, inclusive of tax (if applicable) and shipping, please use the online store shopping cart to calculate it for you.

Stay healthy with intra
  • Intra is a pleasant tasting, proprietary formulation of 23 time-tested and trusted botanical extracts.
  • Intra’s unique formula is exclusive to Lifestyles and has remained unchanged since 1992.
  • Intra’s formula has been enjoyed by millions of satisfied customers worldwide and is suitable for all ages.
Stay healthy with Lifestyles intra
  • Intra is a pleasant tasting, proprietary formulation of 23 time-tested and trusted botanical extracts.
  • Intra’s unique formula is exclusive to Lifestyles and has remained unchanged since 1992.
  • Intra’s formula has been enjoyed by millions of satisfied customers worldwide and is suitable for all ages.

Order Lifestyles Intra Juice Now!

For product prices and to buy Lifestyles Intra Juice, please visit the online store.

Buy Lifestyles intra as:
1) Retail Customer, 2) Preferred Customer (10% discount), or 3) become a Lifestyles Distributor and avail 20% to 40% wholesale discount on all products (see below).

Intra Prices

Note: Lifestyles Intra Juice is only available through Independent Distributors and is NOT sold in stores.

Preferred Customer / Wholesale

Preferred Customer:

Click on the JOIN button below to register as a Preferred Customer to avail 10% discount on all products.

Buy Wholesale:

Click on the JOIN button below to register as an Independent Distributor and buy Intra, and other Lifestyles products, at wholesale prices starting at 20% discount rising to 40% discount.

Note: A small registration fee is required to become a Preferred Customer or Wholesale Customer / Distributor.


Lifestyles Intra carries a 30-day money-back guarantee. We have never seen this product fail to produce some form of results for those who have tried it for 3 consecutive months.

For people participating in the business opportunity, all products in the online store are assigned a points value. Minimum order is 100 points. Example: 3 bottles of Intra = 105 pts. 

Minimum order for retail customers is also 3 bottles of intra liquid or intra capsules, or any combo of other Lifestyles products that make up 100 points. Example: 3 bottles of Intra = 105 pts. Each product's assigned points value is listed next to the product in the online store.

Shipping is calculated in the secure shopping cart during checkout. You will get the chance to confirm all order details and card details are correct before you proceed to the final confirm step and submit your order to the company.

*Lifestyles prices and/or promotional offers are subject to change without notice or may have expired before this website has been updated. Always check in the Lifestyles online store for the current prices at time of your purchase.

Lifestyles UK Independent Distributor

Better Together


Lifestyles Intra, the herbal choice of millions.

Order Lifestyles Intra Juice Now!

Begin Protecting Your Body Today With Lifestyles Intra!

Lifestyles Intra's precise formula of 23 botanical extracts work synergistically together to help balance and strengthen the body's eight biological systems, leaving you feeling healthier, happier and more energized!

Lifestyles Intra's precise formula of 23 botanical extracts work better together to help balance and strengthen the body's eight biological systems, leaving you feeling healthier, happier and more energized!

Drink Lifestyles Intra. Share Intra. PASS IT ON!

Drink Lifestyles Intra.
Share Intra.


Lifestyles Independent Distributor

My name is Oliver Relfe and I'm your 'Independent Distributor' for Lifestyles product and the amazing intra botanical blend for you to enjoy better health and balance our body naturally! Visit the online Shop for prices and to buy intra.


PS: If you're not happy with the money you are making, I can show you how you can make extra income with your own Lifestyles business. Join the $uccess Team TODAY!